Furniture Books
The Furniture Books category contains dozens of project books for both the aspiring and accomplished furniture maker, from a basic end table to sophisticated examples of the Arts and Crafts movement. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance locating the right books for the project you have in mind!
BUILDING TRADITIONAL KITCHEN CABINETS: Revised and UpdatedThe standard text on face frame cabinets; revised and updated to include the...
Sale Price: $14.97 |
CABINET DOORS AND DRAWERS BOOK SETGet two premier cabinet-building books together and save: Danny Proulx's...
Sale Price: $28.74
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Cabinetmakers NotebookA well known work by Krenov, this is the first in a series of four books...
Sale Price: $16.17 |
CABINETMAKING PROCEDURES FOR THE SMALL SHOPAn amateur cabinetmaker, no matter how skillful, runs into a whole new set of...
Sale Price: $11.97
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CHAIRMAKING AND DESIGN, REVISED ED.Winner of the 1998 Golden Hammer Award for best how-to book. Miller, a...
Sale Price: $14.97 |
CHESTS OF DRAWERS: OUTSTANDING PROJECTS FROM AMERICAN BEST CRAFTSMENThis is the fifth book in the Taunton Furniture Project series. See items...
Sale Price: $24.95
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CHILDREN'S FURNITURE PROJECTSIncludes step-by-step instructions and complete plans for both contemporary...
Sale Price: $13.77
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CONSTRUCTING MEDIEVAL FURNITURE: PLANS & INSTRUCTIONS WITH HISTORICAL NOTESThis is the only book that we know of that covers this style of furniture....
Sale Price: $11.97
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COUNTRY FURNITUREThis is a practical guide to fashioning traditional country furniture by...
Sale Price: $11.37 |
CRAFTSMAN HOMES: ARCHITECTURE AND FURNISHINGS OF THE AMERICAN ARTS AND CRAFTSThis is taken from Stickley's magazine "The Craftsman" and reprints 296...
Sale Price: $8.97 |
CRAFTSMAN HOMES: More than 40 plans for building classicMore than 40 plans for building classic Arts & Crafts style cottages, cabins,...
Sale Price: $11.97 |
David Charlesworth's (Vol. 1) Furniture-Making TechniquesDavid Charlesworth, a master teacher and carpenter, has for over 20 years...
Sale Price: $10.77
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DINING TABLES: OUTSTANDING PROJECTS FROM AMERICA'S BEST CRAFTSMENThis is the sixth of the Furniture Project series. See item 9-294 for...
Sale Price: $14.97
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DISPLAY CASES YOU CAN BUILDContains complete step-by-step photos, material lists and construction plans...
Sale Price: $16.17 |
EASY MISSION STYLE WOODWORKING PROJECTSMission-style furniture, with its straight lines and cut-out features, is in...
Sale Price: $5.97
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ESSENTIALS OF WOODWORKING: PRACTICAL DESIGN SOLUTIONS AND STRATEGIESThis detailed volume covers a wide range of aesthetic and structural design...
Sale Price: $10.77
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FOR PROS BY PROS: CABINETS AND COUNTERTOPSLearn how the pros build and install cabinets and countertops (and how you...
Sale Price: $10.77 |
FURNITURE MOULDINGS- [LSI]30 Plates of full size English furniture moldings covering the period of the...
Sale Price: $11.37 |