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36 inches tall by 18 inches in diameter at the base.
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This is an efficient workstation. The desktop slides out from the top unit and the keyboard is contained in the false drawer front. The unit is constructed wit h rails and stiles with raised panels. Top and lower section are two pieces. 76"H X 66"W x 25"D. Intermediate to advanced.
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A variety of small projects that have appeared in recent issues of the magazine. Projects to make in a weekend, perfect picture frames, compact, wall-hanging shelves and cabinets, designing and building occasional tables, mitered boxes, and more.
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The author recounts his firsthand experiences with the Foreign Legion during their bitter fight with the Druze in Syria in the late 1920s. This compelling book describes not only his participation in the ferocious siege of Rachaya Fort and numerous other brutal operations that put him in the thick of the action, but also depicts the difficult life of privation and hardship that was the lot of the Legionnaire. From his first meal at a mess that would have given a British sergeant-major an apoplectic fit through warfare and desertion, the author paints a vivid canvas of life in the Legion in the late 1920s.
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This is a great reference manual for innovative ideas ranging from libraries to clever storage in nooks and crannies. More than 250 ideas from leading designers and architects show the wide range of possibilities for creating a room that functions well and looks great.