Tools: Hand & Power Books
Here are books on absolutely everything you might want to know about using and maintaining your workshop's tools. The information extensively covers both power and hand tools. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance locating the right book for your needs!
Sale Price: $17.95 |
SCROLLSAWS: A WOODWORKERS GUIDEThe scrollsaw is a versatile machine, which lends itself to a host of...
Sale Price: $14.97 |
WOODWORKING WITH HAND TOOLS *2018*For woodworkers, hand tools put the emphasis on the process of woodworking...
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Illustrated Encyclopedia of Woodworking Handtools, Devices InstrumentsThe Illustrated Encyclopedia of Woodworking Handtools, Devices & Instruments...
Sale Price: $14.97 |
THE COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED G/T JIGS & FIXTURES (PB)Finding an effective jig or fixture for a woodworking operation can be as...
Sale Price: $16.77 |
THE COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED G/T USING WOODWORKING TOOLS (PB)This step-by-step pictorial reference covers using all the tools found in a...
Sale Price: $16.77 |
THE COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED G/T SHARPENING (PB)This step-by-step reference provides quick access for learning this essential...
Sale Price: $16.77 |
Taunton 2014 TOOL GUIDE magazineDon’t buy a tool without reading this. Every year, the annual Tool Guide...
Sale Price: $5.99
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CREATING WOODEN BOXES ON THE SCROLL SAWUniting form and function without complicated joinery or the need for a shop...
Sale Price: $11.97 |
Fresh Designs for Woodworking: Stylish Scroll Saw Projects to Decorate Your HomeWritten specifically for the woodworker seeking new adventures in the world...
Sale Price: $11.99 |
40 POWER TOOLS YOU CAN MAKE [LSI]Originally published in 1941 this is a fascinating look at how to build a...
Sale Price: $7.77 |
ARTISTIC WILDLIFE PROJECTS FOR THE SCROLL SAW: Bears, Wild Cats, Birds of Prey aFeaturing dozens of wildlife patterns for scroll saw woodworking, this book...
Sale Price: $11.97 |
BOX-MAKING PROJECTS FOR THE SCROLL SAW^Patterns for 25 projects are included. Full-size patterns for boxs, lids, and...
Sale Price: $10.77
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Creative Wooden Boxes from the Scroll Saw: 28 Useful & Surprisingly Easy-to-MakeReaders searching for unique and interesting box projects for the scroll saw...
Sale Price: $14.97
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David Charlesworth's (Vol. 3) Furniture-Making Techniques: A Guide to Hand ToolsWith a focus on traditional and modern hand tools, acclaimed craftsman David...
Sale Price: $10.77
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HANDPLANE ESSENTIALS BY CHRIS SCHWARZThere is no woodworking tool that's more satisfying, quick and precise to use...
Sale Price: $20.99
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HOW TO CHOOSE AND USE BENCH PLANES & SCRAPERSWorking wood with hand tools is one of the most satisfying, relaxing and...
Sale Price: $13.17 |
JIGS & FIXTURES FOR THE TABLE SAW AND ROUTER^, Best of Woodworker's Journal26 ingenious jig and fixture projects from the pages of WoodworkerÂ’s Journal...
Sale Price: $10.77
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