From Spring House Press. By Vic Tesolin.
To enjoy woodworking, all you need is a few essential tools, a little bit of space, and the desire to make something with your own two hands. The Minimalist Woodworker is about making woodworking clean and simple – from the tools and the workspace to the easy-to-follow instructions. It eliminates the fears and excuses as it demystifies the craft. Written by Vic Tesolin, aka the Minimalist Woodworker, The Minimalist Woodworker is a stress-free approach to woodworking. Beginning with an understanding of the minimalist mindset, The Minimalist Woodworker quickly details how to make a small space productive and outlines the most efficient tools for a woodworker. Each piece of equipment is explained and instructions provided. Techniques for keeping each piece sharp and well-maintained are also detailed. Once space and tools are covered, seven projects are presented: a saw bench and matching saw horse; a Nicholson-style workbench; a shooting board/bench hook; a shop mallet; and a small hanging cabinet. Each project not only develops woodworking skills, but also outfits a small shop. With step-by-step instructions, photos and illustrations, and an easy-going tone, The Minimalist Woodworker offers an informative, but stress-free point of entry into the life-long craft of woodworking.
$32.00 $19.20 |
A thorough treatment of what to look for in an old house and how to restore what may be wrong with it. From foundations to roofing. An excellent book that should be on hand for anyone that owns an older home. This edition is full color throughout with additional information and in a larger format than item 4-280.
$27.95 $16.77 |
This step-by-step reference provides quick access for learning this essential woodworking process. More than 750 photos and drawings illustrate the equipment available for sharpening and the methods for getting sharp edges on all types of tools -- from basic chisels to molding planes and jointer knives. Among the subjects covered: •Choosing a sharpening system •Sharpening planes and saws •Touching up blades and bits •Shaping turning gouges •Honing carving tools
$19.95 $11.97 |
"How to Select and Apply the Right Finish". This is the completely revised and updated edition of Flexner's classic work on finishing. Includes the latest technical updates, step-by-step instructions, 40 must have reference tables, over 300 color photos, and numerous tips for the professional and hobbyist. An excellent work on finishing.
$28.95 $17.37 |
This is the revised edition of di Cristina's popular work on stairbuilding. Over 50 pages have been revised. The author covers where to locate risers in a curved stairway in relation to the handrailing, three methods of finding the face mould, fifteen basic handrail problems, installation of balusters, how to find baluster cuts under an incline turn handrail, and much more. Mr. di Cristina owned a custom stairbuilding business in San Francisco for over 50 years.
$35.00 $21.00 |
A valuable book for home owners, architects, designers, and builders. This is a look at the state of the art today, as well as windows of the future and it offers information necesary to evaluate windows and make intelligent choices. Covers energy performance, glazing materials, window assembly, design implications with energy efficient windows, window and skylight selection consideration, and energy performance and cost considerations.